Altos ACS8000 computer
ManufacturerAltos Computer Systems (ACS)
Price:$10,990 (with 20MB Winchester drive in 1981)
CPU:Zilog Z80A @ 4MHz
Memory:64K RAM, 208K maximum
Display:serial terminal
Ports:six serial, two parallel port
Storage:internal SSDD 8-inch floppy and 20MB Winchester drive
OS:CP/M, multiuser variant MP/M, OASIS OS

Altos Computer Systems (ACS) was founded in 1977 by David G. Jackson and Roger William Vass Sr. It focused on multi-user computers, using multi-user derivatives of CP/M.

In 1979 they released the ACS8000-1, ACS8000-2, ACS8000-3, and ACS8000-4. The early systems had two internal 8-inch floppy drives, and eventually an optional external hard drive, but later systems replaced one of the floppy drive with an internal hard drive. Seen below is the ACS8000-12 from 1981 with one floppy drive, and an internal Winchester drive.

The ACS8000 are multi-user systems, which can support up to 4 users at the same time, each with their own serial terminal. The systems came with 64K RAM minimum, and up to 208K RAM for multiuser capability, but each user only gets 48K RAM each.

ACS8000-1 - 1979two internal 8-inch SSSD floppy drives$3840 w/ 32K RAM
ACS8000-2 - 1979two internal 8-inch SSDD floppy drives$4500 w/ 32K RAM
ACS8000-3 - 1979two internal 8-inch DSSD floppy drives$4800 w/ 32K RAM
ACS8000-4 - 1979two internal 8-inch DSDD floppy drives$5300 w/ 32K RAM
ACS8000-6 - 1980two internal floppy drives, external Winchester cabinet$9,450 with 14.5MB, $14,260 with 29MB
ACS8000-10 - 1981one internal floppy, internal 10MB Winchester$8,500 with SS floppy, $9,500 with DS floppy
ACS8000-12 - 1981one internal floppy, internal 20MB Winchester$10,990
ACS8000-14 - 1982one internal floppy, internal 40MB Winchester$11,990

Beneath the main circuit board, folded back in this view, is the 8-inch floppy drive on the left,
and the Winchester drive on the right (the front of system is at the bottom in this image).

Just a few years later, by 1983, Altos released the Altos 586 - a smaller, lighter, faster desktop system.

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